Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Mmusi Maimane, Do Not Worry, I Won’t Vote For The DA!

Today at the Apartheid Museum Maimane at last took of his blue jacket and put on his green, black and gold jacket!

I am a proud white South African but I am not a racists as branded by the ANC, EFF and also now by the DA. But today Maimane lost it just like Zuma lost it many moons ago.

It is good to say that if you are racist please do not vote DA but in his speech he hint that it is whites who are racists but what the poor man do not understand is that he himself is a racist when he last week tweeted about whites doing shopping but blacks must work in that shops. And what the poor man further does not realize is that due to Equity and Affirmative Action whites are not appointed to work there due to their skin colour – not naked racism Maimane to barr a certain race from working based on racists’ laws? So, Maimane, are you also not going to vote DA as you are a racist? And do you realize that it is the money of the white racists (racists according to ANC, EFF and DA) that pay those blacks’ salaries?

PS: for more than a week I tweeted you with information of incidents of black racism, even of Zuma but you did nothing but when a white is accused of racism you are immediately on your donkey like a Don Quixote storming the racist windmills!

Another PS: Although I am not a racist, I will not vote ANC, EFF or DA because I do not vote for a racist party!

By Nigel Olifaunt


  1. They dont want your vote. You are clearly some form of subtle racist. Mmusi's tweet about black people working and white people shopping in "certain" shops has nothing to do with BBBEE or EE. It has to do with the structural racial inequality of our society even 20 years after the end of apartheid. The majority of black South Africans are either, a.) unemployed or b.) made to work for VERY low wages, and this has to do with the legacy of apartheid.

    So please, dont pretend to be some psychological political analyst when you cannot fully understand the context of a section from an open letter.

    Do me a favour, read Mmusi's full open letter, from which you took that quote completely out of context and then rewrite this absolute hogwash!

    Read it here: http://www.dailymaverick.co.za/opinionista/2016-01-10-dear-penny-sparrow-and-others/#.VpLmwJN96Rs

  2. It seems you cannot read because you did not read my post. Go read it again or get someone to read it for you!


Heritage Day 2018: South Africa

My name is Nigel Olifaut. I am a white South African male, proud to be white with my declaration for Heritage Day 24 September 2018: 1....