Saturday, May 30, 2015

Old white men, a younger white woman and the state of black outrage’

Follow the link to the article of Ferial Haffajee, the editor of City Press which she wrote for News24. Old white men, a younger white woman and the state of black outrage’

This is typical of everyone blaming  Apartheid and the Whites for the everything that went wrong since the ANC took over in 1994, rather than addressing the problems and getting rid of the idiots who caused these problems and downfall of everything that was/is good.

Here is my friend Nigel's response to this article:

'Response to your article ‘Old white men, a younger white woman and the state of black outrage’ on - 15 May 2015

Let me start with Sparks and Verwoerd. Sparks is quite correct - Verwoerd was clever, very clever, he was a genius! But let us look beyond the Apartheid issue. Remember the NP took over from the British/English orientated United Party in 1948 and from there it was just one-way forward! With Verwoerd at the helm of the NP Government the railroad infrastructure of the country was overhauled and upgraded which was equal to the best in the world; the provision of water supplies to every corner of the country were established which even reached blacks (Wow! Can you believe this!); EVKOM (Oops! You will better know it as ESKOM) was established taking electricity to every corner of the country (Wow! Even blacks benefitted from it!); then he tackled the public service and transformed it into a mean machine that was one of the best in the world; he established an education system that was the envy of the world, etc., etc.

That was Verwoerd and the NP. Then came Mandela and the ANC - from day one they took over it was just one way backward, down the drain. Everything was destroyed in the space of 20 years! - in Afrikaans there is the nice saying: hulle het die land deur hulle gatte getrek! It is now 50 and more years ago that Kenia, the Belgian Congo, etc, gained independence from the so-called “European oppressors” and where are they now? Down the drain! Last year with the election in Kenia the government called upon Obama as he had roots  Kenia to assist Kenia to address the chaos the country was in. What a joke!

Like Zuma and the ANC is carrying on now, it won’t take another 30 years before South Africa is where the rest of Africa is - it seems they put this destruction vehicle in overdrive! Think for yourself, was it not for the white man in Africa, Africa would just have been one big rubbish dump! (Please, send me a copy of your book What if there were no whites?)

Then poor old Zelda. Ag, please! Is that such an issue? This is typical symptomatic of the inferior or paranoia complex the previous disadvantage persons have! Get a life, it is now what, 21 years since ‘independence’ and you still look back, still feel aggrieved, still despising the whites? This is why good old South Africa is down the drain! The bad news for you is that I am here to stay. And as long as the ANC or any government is messing up this beautiful country I will criticise them, and I will compare it with what this country had to offer before Mandela and the ANC start breaking it down.

In conclusion, the state of black outrage. Ag, shame. All I can say is get a life and start building up what you have destroyed! You future is not in the hands of the whites - it is in your own hands!

Thank you.

Nigel Olifaunt'

I just love it! 


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