Saturday, June 9, 2012

How to decide on a dog for you

“A dog is a man’s best friend.” This is very true but it is important to make the right decision whether to have a dog or not as a dog can also be a man’s worst nightmare!

To get a dog is very exiting but also very challenging and a great commitment. Unfortunately there are too many dogs that annually ends up in animal shelters – dogs that are mistreated by their owners or dogs that become a burden for their owners. 

So, the decision is yours but here are some tips to assist you to make the right decision:

1. Be sure that there is place in your unique lifestyle for a dog: It is no use to have a dog and you are over-committed with your work or your social life. To have a dog for companionship is good and noble but then you must be there for him. A child must grow up with a pet and normally a dog is a good pet but it won’t take long before your child will outgrow the dog – go to school, busy with extra-mural activities and own social life. Dogs are also social creatures and need a lot of attention and you must be prepared to make time for socializing, training and grooming.

2. Take into consideration your domestic environment: The size of your house, garden and any other available open spaces in the vicinity of your house are very important for the physical needs of your dog. A big dog generally needs more physical exercise than the smaller breeds. Some dogs are typical house-bound dogs whilst others are typical outdoor dogs.

3. Take into consideration the financial implications: There may be once off costs to get a dog. The more pedigree it is, the higher the price. But, there is also recurrent expenditure – feeding costs, veterinary fees, vacation boarding, etc. which all have to be taken into account.

4. Make sure there is a cooling off period: Do not decide overnight to have a dog. Get the commitment of the entire family or household. Make sure everyone is on board with the commitment it will ask from everyone. Remember, normally everyone is keen and eager when it is a cute puppy -  they will fight to get its attention and to play with it,  but as it grew bigger it will be lose its shine. Therefore, after the decision is taken to get a dog, make sure there is a cooling off period of at least 5 days before you commit yourself with a seller.

Be responsible in your decision because a dog is truly a man’s best friend!

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