Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Are You A Racist If You Like The Old South African Flag?

It is interesting that the main and only response of the government, the DA and the EFF to the most successful event  #BlackMonday  on 30 October 2017 was that whites are racists for bearing the old South African flag during the event.

Are you indeed a racist if you like the old South African flag (the flag before 1994)? NO!

This is based on only 2 points:

1.       The old flag is part and parcel of the white cultural heritage and if the government, DA and EFF as well as white libtards are of the opinion that this flag is symbolic to the country’s oppressive past and is therefore a thorn in the flesh of non-white citizens of the country then they must get rid of everything reminding the poor stressed people of the past – the mere fact that a non-white person sees a white person, will that remind them of our oppressive past? Is this the reason that Zuma and Malema as well as other non-white politician loves to sing “Kill The Boer . . .”. Is this the reason why white farmers are slaughtered?

2.       In the preparation for the 1994 elections the ANC promised that everyone will be equal and that whites will be part and parcel of this new democracy. After 23 years into the democANC, racy it is quite clear that actually we are not  welcome – singing of “Kill the Boer . . ., Zuma openly entice people to take back the land whites stole, persecuting whites who are guilty of racial slurs or  cases of hate speech but dragging feet for non-white transgressors, etc.

Therefore, it is my humble opinion that whites who still bear the old flag are not racists and as and when government and other black parties stop looking for white racists behind every bush, stop blaming Apartheid or whites for everything that goes wrong after 23 years of rule, stop targeting the cultural heritage of whites and see whites as equal partners (citizens) of this country whites will indeed love to bear the new symbols of the New South Africa.

PS: Here is a list of relating articles to this problem. Read it:

Heritage Day 2018: South Africa

My name is Nigel Olifaut. I am a white South African male, proud to be white with my declaration for Heritage Day 24 September 2018: 1....