Sunday, April 28, 2013

Benefits of Exercise

Benefit for the Heart
It increases the efficiency of the heart in several ways. It grows stronger and pumps more blood with each stroke, reducing the number of strokes necessary.

Benefit for the Blood Vessels
It increases the number and size of the blood vessels as well as the total blood volume of the body, thus saturating the tissue throughout the body with energy-producing oxygen. 

Oxygen Consumption
It increases the body’s maximal oxygen consumption by increasing the efficiency of the means of supply and delivery. In doing so, it improves the overall condition of the body, especially its most important parts - the lungs, the heart, the blood vessels, and the body tissue - giving you protection against many forms of illness and disease.

Toning the Muscles
It improves the tone of the muscles and the blood vessels, changing them from weak and flabby tissue to strong and firm tissue, often reducing blood pressure in the process. 

Outlook on Life
It may change a person’s whole outlook on life. You learn to relax, develop a better self-image, and tolerate the stress of daily life. You will sleep better and get more work done with less fatigue. 

By Danie de Villiers -Freelance Writer

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